Architects on show by Julian Rutt

The AIA awards are done and dusted for another year! Having been on the Sustainable Architecture jury 5 times previously, it was an honour to be on the New Houses jury this year, seeing the absolute cream of South Australian residential architecture. The standard of entries was of such a high level that we as the jury were unable to make any cuts, meaning all made it to the 'shortlist' visits to 10 houses across two days. The image below is from Aldgate House by Wood Marsh with landscaping by Taylor Cullity Lethlean – the bold approach yields little of the lush interior though I particularly liked how it appeared as a sculpture in the landscape.


Just last weekend, I gave a talk for ‘Architects on Show’ hosted by the AIA and City of Prospect to talk about Prospect’s Urban Corridor Zone for medium density residential regeneration. It’s an important, yet contentious topic given opposition from some voices in the community, so here was a chance to wear my architect, urbanist and Prospect CAP member hats simultaneously. Balancing the need to increase densities in Adelaide’s notoriously unsustainable low-density urban environment while retaining the residential character in my opinion has been handled well in Prospect. Strategically targeting strips along several key main roads with brownfield sites has effectively spared the rezoning of the highly sought after residential side streets.


Damian Madigan gave a great talk about his ‘missing middle’ thesis on unusual infill models that allow increased densities, increased the housing typologies available and increased chances for people to break into the housing market all while maintaining the existing character. The event was sold out, a full house thankfully not just for architects and architecture students, but Prospect residents also.

The day after I was called on again to don multiple hats of architecture, photography and teaching to judge the School of Architecture and the Built Environment’s photo competition on Adelaide University Open day. Some great little observations came in via the Instagram page, I posted one my own – one of many from campus wanderings – for a little inspiration.


A few last announcements, LumenStudio is proud to be a founding partner of Carbon Neutral Adelaide - a State Government and Adelaide City Council initiative aiming to make Adelaide the worlds first Carbon Neutral city. You can read more about that and other founding partners here.

Recycled Interiors has given us a great plug on their new sustainability hub here and finally, as mentioned last entry, the Green Building Institute has created a series of online training videos and modules for building & design industry professionals, of which I was asked to provide some content see below for a published sample and other entries here.

Julian Rutt from Lumen Studio is an architect who specialises in sustainable, energy efficient residential design. Listen to how he integrated the principles into a project in this real life case study.

The Hero Shot 2.0, Green Building Institute + Social Media by Julian Rutt

Again, nearly a year to the day since the last post!

The Festival of Architecture & Design (FAD) has finished for 2017, this time as a partner to Open State managing the Future Cities theme, curated by the South Australian Government. 3 days of talks, workshops, installations and exhibitions open to the public. As with FAD2015, Lumen Studio (with award-winning photographer Peter Barnes) curated another edition of The Hero Shot – an exhibition celebrating architectural photography and representation, this time featuring works from South Australia, interstate and overseas from some of the finest local photographers and architectural practices. The exhibition continues until Friday 28th October in the foyer of SA Water on Victoria Square. Look for our glasses-free 3D image entry this year...

Once again, Canon Australia kindly donated printing of the images while Art & Frame mounted the images for hanging and the AIA greatly aided the logistics.

The Adelaide Review's wrote an article (noting that the images in the article are from the previous exhibition) see a handful of the new ones below.


Earlier in the year I again had the honour of being a juror for the Sustainable Architecture category for the 2017 Australian Institute of Architects (SA) awards. There were a solid list of entries that required a lot of time and deliberation just to get down to a shortlist. A total of 5 awards and commendations were given to educational, commercial and residential projects. See all award winners listed here with an image of each, Sustainable winners are around half way down.


The Green Building Institute has begun providing modules of video + online training for building & design industry professionals. As an architecture practice with a deep understanding of sustainable design principles, I was interviewed to provide some content. See the Green Building Institute website for more detail on the course.

Act natural...

Act natural...

And lastly, while I’d never really seen the point of business pages for social media, I’ve since been convinced that having a profile at least serves a purpose for first port-of-call in searches. On that note, feel free to visit the belated Facebook page for LumenStudio here.

And the very only-just-created Instagram here which will feature images of completed work, projects under construction, renders, architecture and design photography and general architecture-art musings. Feel free to give a like and a follow.


Some images from The Hero Shot below 2.0...

SADrillcore ThompsonRossi David Sievers.jpg
Interlace Complex OMA & Ole Scheeren Peter Barnes.jpg
Bindarra  FinesseBuilt Julian Rutt.jpg
Tate Modern Herzong & DeMeuron Alex Kindlen.jpg
Unknown Ben Liew.jpg

Awards, panels, exhibitions and a long overdue update by Julian Rutt

Once again, it's been too long between posts. With two projects due to begin on site shortly, its been a busy time of late.

The Billabong Houses are once again (most likely for the last time ever) being opened to the public on Sunday the 23rd of October as part of the Space Open House tours, a national day. Bookings are essential: Eventbrite link

The AIA awards were held back in July, and once again I had the honour of being a juror for the sustainability category, entailing a full day of presentations from architects and clients on the design philosophy and sustainability merits of their projects, followed by a day of site visits of those shortlisted and interesting discussions. All up an interesting, thought-provoking process celebrating excellence in architecture. You can see the results and winners of the various categories here with beautiful images and jury citations: AIA SA Awards


As a precursor to the 2016 Sustainable House Day, I recently had the opportunity to speak on a panel in a forum hosted by the Adelaide Sustainable Building Network (ASBN) regarding zero energy homes along with representatives from Sustainability House and Solar Quotes for the ASBN's mini-expo. A podcast of the discussion is online HERE.

For the first time in 20 years, April saw the AIA National Conference held in Adelaide, curated by the former State Government Architect Ben Hewitt, Sam Spurr & Cameron Bruhn. Another fantastic event with a myriad of intriguing global speakers, well attended by delegates from all around the country.

And the Billabong Houses picked up another award in the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Excellence in Urban Design Awards 2016. Held once every 4 years or so, the award aims to foster excellence in the public realm through design and thoughtful regeneration, other award winners included Troppo for their Maylands House and Williams Burton Leopardi for Base 64 in Kent Town. NPSP EIUDA

On the photography front, I've had the pleasure of exhibiting again with Skrambled Eggs, this time being run as part of the Shimmer Photography Biennale held by the City of Onkaparinga in September. Skrambled Eggs is the brainchild of photographer Ben Liew, having established photographers exhibit works taken purely by smart phones - my contributions being typically architectural in nature. For something a little different I was asked to document various Indonesian batiks and fabrics for an exhibition run in conjunction with Flinder University and the Oz Asia festival and held recently at the Adelaide Festival Centre.

The Hero Shot 2.0 by Julian Rutt

Following on from the success of 'The Hero Shot' exhibition at FAD 2015, we had hoped to be able to run a national version to coincide with the Australian Institute of Architects national conference which is being held in Adelaide (for the first time in about two decades) at the end of April 2016.

Unfortunately, circumstances prevent it taking place during the conference, though we are seeking an later date to host the exhibition, with the view to The Hero Shot becoming a national exhibition and held in other states. Below are a few examples submitted by Architects and Architectural Photographers to the exhibition in October 2015.

Photographer - Steve Rendoulis
Photographer - David Sievers
Photographer - Trevor Mein
Photographer - Sam Noonan

The Hero Shot: talk and exhibition, FAD 2015 by Julian Rutt

Its been a while between updates, but combining two great passions of design in architecture and visual arts through photography, Lumen is proudly presenting 'The Hero Shot': an exhibition and a presentation celebrating the art of architectural photography for the Festival of Architecture and Design (FAD 2015) in October.

The Hero Shot exhibition will feature photographic works by leading photographers of South Australian architecture coinciding with a presentation from David Sievers, 2014 AIPP South Australian Epson Professional Photographer of the Year!the-hero-shot/c1coj

Event registration here:

Beginning early in their education, architects and designers are trained to think in 3D dimensions, yet the printed image will be the first impression, often the only experience for many observers of the project. Going beyond a purely documentary function of spacial response, the architectural photo captures planes, masses and voids, rearranging them into shape, line and tones, patterns of light and dark onto the flat surface.

An entertaining, eye-popping feature presentation by Architectural Photographer David Sievers, the talk will provide a chance to soak up beautiful, raw images of architecture and design through high-quality photography, architects and designers to showcasing their work, and giving the justice their projects and hard work deserve.

The Hero Shot presentation is at 6pm Thursday 8th October, while the exhibition will run daily throughout the festival until 5pm Tuesday 13th October at the Office for Architecture and Design in Leigh Street.

Canon Australia is kindly printing the images featuring in the exhibition.

Photo - Ken Schluchtmann
Peter Writer

Fun with thermal cameras, or how you can see your design's insulation performance.. by Julian Rutt

Early in the summer, I had the chance of running a thermal imaging camera through one of the Billabong Houses, to 'view' the thermal range within the internal spaces and across different components of the house, eg the walls, glazing, frames etc.

After the some initial amusement from its resemblance to The Predator's heat-vision of its victims (from the 1980s movie of the same name) you can see how the camera allows you to view the range of temperatures in the frame; the highest temperature (HI) and the general range colour coded.

These images below (from friend Scott who hired the camera to test on his new eco-home) show where ceiling insulation was detected missing there, the last image around a light fitting.

The following are some images taken within the Billabong House with a regular photo beside it for orientation. In the first example notice how the heat outside is visible through the half open door and how the 'Low-E' glazing cuts out transmission of the infra-red heat to inside.

The next image of the lounge room shows the narrow temperature range inside, the window locations being easily distinguishable.

Here the positions of the timber studs are clearly visible behind the wall face - no missing insulation here! Again, the roof windows showing only minor variation in temperature from the surrounding surfaces.

The final image is of a detail of the green wall adjacent the deck area - a much larger temperature range is detected, but interesting of note that the vegetation of the partly grown green wall is shown to be significantly cooler than the surrounding surfaces; this will have some effect on cooling the local micro climate to an area with doors and a large area of glazing and will continue to improve as the green wall gets covered and the vines on the pergola over continue to grow.

Greenwall thermal

Talk at the Alternative Technology Association, Monday 16th March by Julian Rutt

Long time between updates!

This coming Monday I'll be giving a presentation at the Adelaide branch of the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) about sustainability, architecture and the Billabong Houses, and I promise to keep it upbeat and entertaining given no one likes a lecture!

The ATA describe themselves as "...a not-for-profit organisation that exists to connect, inspire and assist people to make sustainable choices in the homes and communities" by providing an advice service to its 5600 members and consultants to the public, organising / co-running the hugely successful national events Sustainable House Day and Speed-Date a Sustainable Designer (both of which I have participated in), engage in research and advocacy for the sustainability sector, provide access to discounted sustainability-related products and services as well as publish the sustainable architecture and design magazine Sanctuary and Renew which deals with some of the more technical aspects and developments in sustainability and the reduction of waste, energy and water consumption.

The Adelaide branch meets monthly with presentations on a range of topics including sustainable design, developments in sustainable products with a Q&A session, with meetings open to the public.

See more on the ATA and its many benefits here and event details for Monday night HERE.

You wouldn't use a Hair dresser for heart surgery... by Julian Rutt

 ... so when it comes to renovating Ask an Architect! (so goes the new branding for the consumer launch of Archicentre as "Ask an Architect")

While many Australians might not see themselves being able to afford an architect, the services offered by Ask An Architect / Archicentre give accessible, independent, affordable professional services to homeowners and prospective buyers alike with:

(click on the underlined links for further detail, tips, fact sheets and videos)

The new site does a great job demystifying what an architect does, what we can do with and for you including the Home renovation and design advice and design and feasibility reports. A home is for most people the single biggest investment they'll ever make and largest asset they will ever own. An architect's help and input shouldn't be seen as an additional expense, think of it instead as 'value adding', with the potential to save time, hassle and cost far beyond the initial outlay with the added benefit of optimised and customised surroundings;

Lifestyle discussion & design options

  • Advice on ways to improve your home to meet current requirements
  • Advice on options to meet your future growth and lifestyle changes
  • Advice on ways you can optimise home running costs
  • Accessibility advice
  • Making your home more sustainable
  • To renovate up, out or both
  • Value for money construction systems
  • Value for money improvements

Budgetary concerns & development alternatives

  • Is the budget enough to achieve what you want to do?
  • What budget is needed for the outcome you want?
  • Tailoring your brief (requirements) to better meet your budget
  • Do your ideas add value to your property?
  • Should you renovate, demolish and re-build or sell and buy elsewhere?
  • Understanding the controls affecting your proposed renovation or development
  • Setting realistic project time lines


Energy Efficiency Audits

Perhaps of more interest now we are into Summer, some AAA/Archicentre architects can provide Energy Efficiency Audits of an existing home / building as well as the drawings and schedules of a proposed home or building, reviewing;

  • The site, orientation, landscaping and specific climatic factors
  • Internal layout and zoning in relation to orientation
  • Internal and external materials, insulation and shading
  • Orientation related to size and proportion of openings and glazing types
  • Heating and cooling, lighting, appliances and water heating
  • Building fixtures and components and items affecting comfort or efficiency
  • Renewable energy options and feasibility
  • Options for rain water harvest, storage and reuse
  • Options for grey/waste water use on site
  • Water related fixtures and appliances
  • And considering this with both aesthetics and costs in mind and appropriate as to whether an urban or rural property

While many of these energy and environmental issues are best addressed as early as possible in a new design project, a proposed project's drawing review prior to seeking Building Rules Consent against the National Construction Code is just as useful as making changes to an existing building to try to cut down ongoing energy and water consumption - especially as we can expect significant energy and water price rises in coming years with has the potential to pay for itself many times over. Design and architecture/building sustainability audits are a service that Julian Rutt and Lumen are particularly qualified to provide.


The new Ask An Architect site is also very useful for its;

  • Active, extensive Q&A section on practical, design and budgetary issues
  • News regarding public events and seminars
  • Tips, fact sheets and short videos
  • Details on the inspection types available for those undertaking developments, needing termite inspections or wishing to get an independent review the work of their home builder

Again, many many more details on the full level of services on the website. As an AskAnArchitect/Archicentre service architect, I was required to undertake an additional training and accreditation process on top of the many years it takes to become a registered architect to be able to provide these services. I've got to say that this new site is vastly improved to get around around and find information easily, its definitely worth having a look through early on and should help ease any concerns and fill in some blanks on what we do and how to get started.

And hey, they're even using one of my designs & interior photos on their landing page!

Sanctuary Magazine feature by Julian Rutt

ON A LEAFY STREET IN INNER- SUBURBAN Adelaide, just a block from Saint Peters Billabong on the River Torrens, a pair of undeniably different facades sit comfortably among the sandstone Federation villas and stucco-rendered bungalows. Designed by sustainable architect Julian Rutt for his family and for his brother-in-law, the Billabong Houses are compact and minimalist high performers...


Read More

Talk for the ASBN available for streaming + download by Julian Rutt

The Adelaide Sustainable Building Network have uploaded both the talks from the recent 'Eco Build Experience' spotlight event where I got to talk more about the building & philosophy side of the Billabong Houses, with Terry Dollman, a lecturer at TAFE in sustainable design & building talking about his own experiences designing and building a sustainable residence. The event was capacity and completely sold out, so if you were one of those turned away at the door, you are in luck!

Unfortunately my voice was a little worse for wear (recovering from laryngitis) but thankfully I avoided having to cancel at the last minute and managed to squeak my way through the lively and often humourous Q&A session afterwards, sounding a bit like a teenage boy. Terry's talk and a host of other informative talks are hosted on the ASBN page of vimeo, located here:

Also a reminder that the second installment of Sustainable House Day 2014 is up this coming Sunday afternoon and this will be the last time the Billabong House will be open to the public for tours (having been open for SHD '13 and several award juries in the past 12 months). The tours begin from 10am and leave regularly throughout the day. Please check the Sustainable House Day website for details and other houses open to the public, or the Billabong House page for a brief summary.

Show and Tell - 27 Aug 2014 Julian Rutt’s interest in sustainability in architecture sparked while at university and grew while travelling after finishing his studies. Having spent several years working in London, on returning to Adelaide Julian began getting involved in the professional body, the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) through activity in the Sustainable Built Environment committee and the National Sustainability Committee in order to help sway sustainability policy, which later contributed to him receiving the New Architects & Graduates Award (now known as the Emerging Architect Prize). After 10 years back working for high profile practices on a wide range of commercial and residential projects, Julian began Lumen (Studio), a multi-disciplinary practice with sustainability as a key design driver. His own home was used as a testing ground for numerous sustainable design techniques and theories and recently won a Commendation for Sustainable Architecture at the AIA State Chapter awards and the Adelaide Review People’s Choice Award for new housing. Julian also provides sustainability consulting for new projects as well as existing home and building retro-fits, has consulted to local government in the area of sustainability interacting with development plans, is a Design Review Panel member with the Office of Design and Architecture SA, has been juror and jury chair for the AIA awards, an expert witness in the ERD court and is a regular tutor/lecturer at UniSA and Adelaide University schools of architecture.

Sustainable House Day '14 - Billabong Houses open by Julian Rutt

One of the Billabong Houses is open for 2014 Sustainable House Day!

Started in 2001, Sustainable House Day is a national day opening the most environmentally progressive homes to the public. To quote the website:

On Sunday 7 and 14 September, you have the opportunity to tour an amazing array of everyday Australian homes all built and created around the ideal of reducing their footprint on the earth.

By partaking in Sustainable House Day you can tap into local knowledge to learn how to successfully integrate renewable energy, recycling, and other sustainable practices into your home and lifestyle. This unique event is a valuable resource for anyone looking for inspiration, ideas and the key to sustainable living. Our homeowners, sponsors and local sustainable groups look forward to sharing their knowledge with you.

For the first time, Sustainable House Day is being spread across two weekends, with one of the Billabong Houses open on both weekends. Demand was high last year with 6 hours of back to back tours.

There are all kinds of homes open for viewing, everything from brand new homes, to extensions and renovations of existing houses, check the SHD 2014 website for more information.

Adelaide Sustainable Building Network talk + SHD '14 by Julian Rutt

I have the honour of presenting at the next of the Adelaide Sustainable Building Network's 'Spotlight' series events; The Eco Build Experience, specifically regarding my experience during the design process and build of the Billabong Houses. Co presenting will be Terry Dolman who is a lecturer at TAFE in the school of Building, Design & Drafting and has his own project underway.

Registration, presenter & event details here:

It's being held at the Institute of Architects SA office, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide, from 6:30 pm on Wednesday 27th August, with a Q&A session following the presentations.

The ASBN on Facebook here:

And a video archive of many previous ASBN talks can be found here:


In related news, one of the Billabong Houses will again be open for tours on Sustainable House Day, in early September. A quick link is here, though there will be another post about this closer to the date(s):

ASBN Flyer

ASBN Flyer

The Adelaide Sustainable Building Network is a small, locally based, not-for profit business group with the aim of connecting professionals and community members passionate about building sustainable living environments. Our organization aims to connect many different fields and branches of society.  This exposure to other local professionals and community members is what we believe will foster collaboration between businesses, other organizations, and individuals to make a sustainable future a reality.

AIA awards 2014 - Winners (+ Billabong house success!) by Julian Rutt

Friday the 4th of July saw in the 2014 SA Chapter Australian Institute of Architects awards presentation and ceremony at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, and Lumen's Billabong Houses project picked up a Commendation in the Sustainability category, and the Adelaide Review People's Choice award!

A night celebrating excellence in architecture, the already iconic SAHMRI building on North Terrace picked up 5 awards for Public, Commercial and Interior architecture, Sustainability and the Colorbond steel prize, with other notable winners including Sue Phillips and Michael Pilkington winning the President's medal and projects from Grieve Gillett, Max Pritchard, Dimmity Andersen, MPH and Troppo amoung others, with Guy Maron's Bicentennial Conservatory winning the 25 year enduring architecture award and Matt Davis the Emerging architect prize.

Congratulations to all the winners, thanks to all the jurors giving their time, everyone at the SA chapter of the AIA making the night, and of course those who voted for the Billabong Houses for People's Choice!


Click the links below to read in more detail and peruse the inspiring images of the winners:

South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) by Woods Bagot. Image: Peter Clarke

South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) by Woods Bagot. Image: Peter Clarke

First post, a sign of things to come, creativity and an upcoming event by Julian Rutt

Welcome to my first post!

Here in this blog section, I aim to provide a little bit of a point of discussion about Adelaide architectural, design and urban happenings, built-environment sustainability issues all local  national and global, architectural imagery (given indoors is where we spend most of our time and as increasing amounts of people move to urban centres) and of course only the most interesting of happenings at Lumen...

Cities are often seen as the scourge of the environment, taking up arable land, promoting car use and resource consumption, but they shouldn't necessarily be seen so negatively - given much of the world's population now live in cities, cites are now the crucible for environmental change, where the biggest bang-for-buck can occur and where architects and urban professionals working in the built-environment can make the biggest change. Lately, Adelaide has been witness to some kind of design/urban/transport renaissance that was so sorely needed. With a very large ecological footprint per capita and a very car-centric transport system in favour for decades, recent years have seen elements of the creativity of the Dunstan era when Adelaide stood out as the place to be living in Australia - following Melbourne's revitalisation of its laneway links, testing Copenhagen-like bike infrastructure and an outcome/design-led focus being given to city developments over the bottom-line bean-counting driven process of times past - Adelaide is at somewhat of a crossroads, between those who want Adelaide to become more of a globally relevant city, and those who would seek the status quo keeping the car as our primary source of transport (despite the looming issue of peak oil).


In any case this is about quality over quantity and leads me into the guts of this first post... So I'm helping to give a talk to members of the Institute of Architects soon about the reasons architects should use professional photography to document and showcase their work. As someone who has spent a few years on architecture award juries, it is quite noticeable when architects use non professional photographers/themselves to photograph buildings. While there is debate on where South Australian architecture fits within national fee rates, considering the time spent designing, documenting and then administering a building's construction, there is little reason that there should not be the effectively tiny proportion of the total fees put aside for professional images of the work. Photography at times seems even worse hit by the 'everyone is a professional' issue that architecture suffers (with everyone watching anything from Grand Designs to The Block) in that many buying a Digital SLR camera often feel like a professional they once wouldn't have dared when it was all captured on much-more expensive and less-forgiving film. So combining two of my great loves, architecture and photography, I'm aiming to help show architects why they need professional photography, and how to take better photos of architecture when they travel with well-known Adelaide Architectural photographer David Sievers presenting the seminar, at the SA Chapter of the Institute of Architects, Thursday 19th June. Drinks and refreshments provided!