Adelaide Sustainable Building Network talk + SHD '14 / by Julian Rutt

I have the honour of presenting at the next of the Adelaide Sustainable Building Network's 'Spotlight' series events; The Eco Build Experience, specifically regarding my experience during the design process and build of the Billabong Houses. Co presenting will be Terry Dolman who is a lecturer at TAFE in the school of Building, Design & Drafting and has his own project underway.

Registration, presenter & event details here:

It's being held at the Institute of Architects SA office, 100 Flinders Street, Adelaide, from 6:30 pm on Wednesday 27th August, with a Q&A session following the presentations.

The ASBN on Facebook here:

And a video archive of many previous ASBN talks can be found here:


In related news, one of the Billabong Houses will again be open for tours on Sustainable House Day, in early September. A quick link is here, though there will be another post about this closer to the date(s):

ASBN Flyer

ASBN Flyer

The Adelaide Sustainable Building Network is a small, locally based, not-for profit business group with the aim of connecting professionals and community members passionate about building sustainable living environments. Our organization aims to connect many different fields and branches of society.  This exposure to other local professionals and community members is what we believe will foster collaboration between businesses, other organizations, and individuals to make a sustainable future a reality.